Parking & Transportation
Parking near The Graduate: Dubuque Street Ramp & Court Street Ramp
Directions to Dubuque Street Ramp: Directions
Directions to Court Street Ramp: Directions
Parking near Medical Education Research Facility: Newton Road Ramp
Directions to Newton Road Ramp: Directions
Bus Schedule (CAMBUS, No Fare):
For more information about the CAMBUS routes, download the Transit App (Apple Store, Google Play)
Pentacrest Bus Route:
Pentacrest Route Recommended Stops:
To MERF: Schaeffer Hall/Downtown Interchange (CAMBUS Stop 0001) or Iowa Memorial Union (CAMBUS Stop 0125) to Student Health (CAMBUS Stop 0263)
From MERF: Papajohn Biomedical Discovery Building (CAMBUS Stop 0264) to Schaeffer Hall/Downtown Interchange (CAMBUS Stop 0001) or Iowa Memorial Union (CAMBUS Stop 0125)